Poitrine de poulet à la bière blanche et au thym

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Yes that's my kind of week. What can be better than an American Beer Week? Well, the Oktoberfest should be a good answer, but I'll suggest something different than a sausage with sauerkraut. I've decided to go with a great chicken recipe with a nice belgian beer. I'm not the biggest fan of the dark beer. But when we're talking about the white version, I'm ready to discover all of them. I'm a huge fan of all those micro-brewery that are around us. Here in Quebec city we're lucky to have so nice and different places to discover new beer. If you have the chance to come to Quebec city here's some of them.
This is just 3 example of great place to take a good beer, but there is a lot more. And you do you have any recommendation about great micro-brewery?
Lift the skin of the chicken and put in 2 branch of thyme. On the other side of the breast add a generous shoot of salt and pepper. In an ovenproof pan, put a little bit of  oil and butter. Grill the breasts to make the skin crispy. Turn it, add the white beer in the pan and put it in the oven for about 35 minutes at 375 F. After cooking, do not hesitate to take the liquid and put it in the pan with the sauce. In another saucepan, put the chicken broth, cream, the maple syrup and let it reduce by half. For the presentation, grill some vegetables of your choice in the oven with a little bit of olive oil (around 10 minutes at 400 F). To serve, put the vegetables in the dish, place the chicken breast on top and sprinkle with a good amount of sauce.
Soulevez la peau du poulet et y mettre 2 branche de thym par poitrine. Bien saler et poivrer le côté sans peau des poitrines. Dans une casserole allant au four, y mettre un peu d'huile et un peu de beurre. Saisir les poitrines pour rendre la peau croustillante. Tourner celle-ci, verser la bière blanche est mettre la casserole dans le four pendant environ 35 minutes à 375 F. Après la cuisson, n'hésitez pas à prendre le liquide et le mettre dans le plat de la sauce. Dans une autre casserole, y mettre le bouillon de poulet, la crème, le sirop d'érable, le jus de cuisson et laisser réduire de moitié. Griller les légumes de votre choix au four avec un peu d'huile d'olive. Pour le dressage, mettre les légumes dans l'assiette, mettre la poitrine de poulet sur le dessus et arroser d'une bonne dose de sauce.